Adelphia Cable Paving Way for Crack?
Thursday February 17th 2005, 9:48 am
Filed under: General, Obscene!, Right Watch
Filed under: General, Obscene!, Right Watch
The “Concerned Women for America” have posted a warning to Americans that cable company Adelphia’s decision to begin offerring hard core pornography via PPV is the first step on a slippery slope that eventually leads to crack-flavored Slurpees at 7-11….
Read all about the growing crack marketing synergy.
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My favorite quote from this collection of bizarre non-sequiturs: “Martha Stewart went to federal prison for lying to the FBI about a stock sale, not because she was cooking for al Qaeda.”
Comment by Amanda Toering 02.17.05 @ 10:38 amLine and paragraph breaks are automatic. Your e-mail address is never displayed. Basic HTML is allowed. Including more than one link makes you look like a spammer and will cause your comment to be held in moderation.