Liberty News TV
Saturday July 02nd 2005, 3:44 pm
Filed under: Media Watch
Filed under: Media Watch
“Liberty News TV” is a half-hour news show produced once a month.
It is funded mostly by individual donations, and doesn’t kowtow to the government or corporations.
It’s shown on the Free Speech TV cable channel.
I just watched the July 2005 edition at the Liberty News TV website.
Topics of the July edition include whether Bush should be impeached and nuclear security and fascism
I liked much of the broadcast, but the part saying that there are 14 characteristics of fascism and the US has all 14 didn’t ring true to me. One of the characteristics was rampant sexism, and I think the US today is the most egalitarian it’s ever been.
Anyway, you can watch the show by clicking here and choosing which media player to use.
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Wow just because it’s the “most egalitarian” the US has ever been doesn’t mean that sexixm is gone. It’s all relative.
Try being a woman for a month and you’ll see what I mean.
Comment by Leah 07.03.05 @ 8:11 amLeah -
Would you say the US has “rampant sexism?”
Comment by Eric Jaffa 07.03.05 @ 9:18 amLine and paragraph breaks are automatic. Your e-mail address is never displayed. Basic HTML is allowed. Including more than one link makes you look like a spammer and will cause your comment to be held in moderation.