Google Current’s 1,000th Episode
Current TV is a cable channel about news and culture.
It has a partnership with Google, the popular search engine.
Every half-hour, the cable channel shows a feature called “Google Current.” Google searches provide a theme for talking about a variety of websites. Episodes are typically 2 1/2 minutes.
An example is here, in which an increase in Google searches for “Dancing with the Stars” is a tie-in for host Connor Knighton to present clips from websites which show dancing.
The other host of Google Current is Kinga Philipps. An example of her hosting is here. Some episodes present popular Google searches through graphics without a host.
The 1,000th episode of Google Current was broadcast on January 19, 2006 (Current TV started broadcasting August 1, 2005, with this feature the first thing shown. Episodes repeat.) In honor of the 1,000th episode milestone, hosts Connor Knighton and Kinga Philipps were filmed in the same room for the first time (though last month they did an outdoor Happy Holidays promo together.)
You can watch the 1,000th episode here.
Google Current is a successful concept which provides a fast-paced way Current TV starts each half-hour.
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