‘The Colbert Report’ Episode 3

Stephen Colbert on Oct 19, 2005 show
Stephen Colbert plays a right-winger on his Comedy Central show.
Last night he introduced a segment by saying:
As a journalist, it’s not my place to editorialize.
I’m here to objectively divide the facts into categories of good and evil and then you make up your own minds.
So let’s see who gets tonight’s Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger.
Colbert proceeds to give Katie Holmes a Wag of the Finger for getting pregnant-out-of-wedlock, and Tom Cruise a Tip of the Hat for getting Katie Holmes pregnant.
Video at ComedyCentral.com, titled “TomKat.”
The bit in bold above is a takeoff on the Fox News slogan, “We report, you decide.” Also Bill O’Reilly’s claim that his show is a “No Spin Zone.”
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