
Op-Ed: Any Publicity Is Good Publicity

Filed under  by Amanda Toering — 04/03/2005 @ 7:56 am

The Jacksonville (TX) Daily Progress believes that FCC fines only increase a program’s popularity.

There’s only one problem with heightening awareness of profanity, lewdness and adult-themed television shows.

It’s something we’ve all experienced while traveling the highways.

It’s called rubbernecking.

The worse a traffic accident or train wreck, the more people stop to look.

And it’s the same with what the FCC is nobly attempting with cleaning up the airwaves and television programming.

As outraged as people claim to be at what they see on network and basic cable, or hear on some radio broadcasts, there are many more people who will want to listen or watch for themselves to see what the fuss is all about.

FCC taking wrong approach to clean-up efforts


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  1. The paper is in Jacksonville, TEXAS, not Florida.

    Comment by Larry — 4/3/2005 @ 3:27 pm

  2. My fault. Corrected.

    Comment by Amanda Toering — 4/3/2005 @ 8:04 pm

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