SpeakSpeak News


Vagina-Lovers Plan Rally

Filed under
  • Free Speech
 by Amanda Toering — 04/28/2005 @ 10:04 am

Students in Minnesota, where several high schoolers were recently disciplined for their Vagina Monologue accoutrements, will hold a rally in support of free speech and provocative button-wearing.

School officials say the rally will be on an upcoming morning. Superintendent Paul Durand says students will be allowed to wear buttons and shirts that support the girls.

He says students can rally around the school’s flagpole before classes, but they’ll be asked to remove the buttons and turn the shirts inside out before entering the high school. Students who refused to do so will be asked to leave for that day.

School officials say the school is trying to balance students’ right to free speech with the employees’ right to a non-hostile work environment.

From Minneapolis’ WCCO CBS affiliate.


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